Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Joys Of Travel

Hello readers,

Apart from today's post, which was really just a bit of finishing off from work I did over a week ago, you may have noticed I haven't really posted in ages! This is for two reasons: One, sporadic internet access & busy days has limited time available but also Two: What I thought initially was an eye allergy related to pollution, now turns out to be a proper bacterial infection, and it has made looking at a computer screen difficult! I am now on antibiotic eye drops so it should hopefully clear up soon! This will also be why there are several days with not many pictures of me in them - when your eyes are blood shot and swollen two twice the normal size it doesn't make for a pretty picture! Also my sunglasses broke just as the symptoms started, which has made things even more challenging (mainly for Greg, as he has been lending me his sunglasses...)

Thank fully the symptoms ease a bit during the day so my enjoyment of the trip isn't too impaired and I'm glad it's my eyes and not my foot or something that would actually inhibit my ability to travel!

Still having a fab time and we are both otherwise fit and well. It's boggling my mind going back and thinking over all that has happened in the last three weeks just as much as looking forward to the trip used to overwhelm me (and still does, when I consider how much there still is to go)! I guess it's going to take some time to sift through all the memories and make sense of just how mammoth a volume of experiences we are cramming into such a short space of time - I ought to be dining out on this for at least a few years!! (I'll have to dine out on something, I'll be too broke to actually dine out... j/k).

Also Germany won the soccer tonight and it's a party in Munich! Best way to celebrate, apparently, is drive around town honking your horn in a congratulatory manner. We went out and had dinner and watched the game, but now we are going to sleep, glad that the morning will bring happy hungover Germans rather than sad hungover Germans.

Also Greg likes soccer a lot and would heartily enjoy being a passionate European soccer fan, and I  think enjoyed pretending to be a German one for one night!

Love Jane

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